The character Vito Corleone played by Marlon Brando in the 1972 classic "The Godfather" has topped a list of greatest movie characters of all time.
According to Premiere magazine, Humprey Bogart's Fred C. Dobbs from the 1948 movie "The Treasure of Sierra Madre" came in second, while Vivien Leigh's Scarlett O'Hara
from "Gone With The Wind" is the highest placed female character at third place.
Ten of the 100 greatest characters are: 1). Vito Corleone - "The Godfather" (1972), 2. Fred C. Dobbs - "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" (1948), 3. Scarlett O'Hara - "Gone
with the Wind" (1939), 4) Norman Bates - "Psycho" (1960), 5) James Bond - "Dr. No" (1962), 6) Annie Hall - "Annie Hall" (1977), 7) Indiana Jones - "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
(1981), 8) Ellen Ripley - "Alien" (1979) 9. Jeff Spicoli - "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" (1982) 10. Gollum - "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy (2001).
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 15:13 IST